What Kind of Tummy Tuck Will Work for You?

What Kind of Tummy Tuck Will Work for You?

What Kind of Tummy Tuck Will Work for You?

Tummy tucks aren’t one-type-fits-all.  After all, our tummies aren’t all one size.  And we don’t all have the same specific issues that need to be corrected.

What Kind of Tummy Tuck Will Work for You?Anatomy of a Tummy Tuck

Tummy bulges are generally caused by 3 things:

  • Excess Skin
  • Excess Fat
  • Stretched muscles from pregnancy or from large weight changes

These three things are all treated by a tummy tuck, but they’re not all treated the same by every kind of tummy tuck.   Some tummies have more skin than fat, others have more fat than skin, and some have really stretched muscles with no extra fat and very little extra skin.   That’s why we have options for our tummy tuck surgeries.

Tummy Tuck OptionsWhat Kind of Tummy Tuck Will Work for You?

Each tummy tuck option addresses a different kind of tummy.  The three basic types of tummy tucks are a Mini-Tummy Tuck, a Full Tummy Tuck, and an Extended Tummy Tuck (also called a Lower Body Lift).  Let’s look at each of these in more depth.


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