Contouring with Makeup or with Fillers?

Contouring with Makeup or with Fillers?

Contouring with Makeup or with Fillers?

Those perfect cheeks and that gorgeous glow? 

We know we can get them from great contouring makeup, right?  Contouring with Makeup or with Fillers?

Right.  Makeup you have to wash off, then reapply every day to recreate the look, making contouring something you're likely to skip if you're trying to get out the door in a hurry.  But what if you could have the look of contouring without all the fuss of contouring?

What if you could have those arched cheekbones every day, no matter how much of a rush you're in early in the day?  How great would it be to wake up with that contoured look already there, ready to go.

You can have perfectly contoured facial curves with expertly-placed Fillers. 

The Juvederm family of fillers, in particular, are my workhorses for creating sculpted contours in the face.  I love them because they are made from hyaluronic acid, and they last 1-2 years.  Juvederm Voluma, for instance, is great for contouring cheeks, and it lasts about 2 years.  Juvederm Vollure is great for creating a smooth curve beneath the cheekbones, and it lasts about 18 months.  Juvederm Ultra and Ultra Plus contour lips and smile lines, and they last about a year.

Now, don't be mistaken, fillers do not make a face look "big" or "puffy". 

And when they're done right, they don't make you look like you have balls in your cheeks.  They truly create the light-and-shadows effect that your contouring makeup does.  Except that you don't have to wash it off and reapply it every day.

Here is a perfect example of beautiful contours created with Juvederm Voluma. I used three syringes of Juvederm Voluma to create this look:

Contouring with Makeup or with Fillers?

Contouring with Makeup or with Fillers?

It's pretty incredible what we can accomplish with the filler options available to us.  If you've been wondering if fillers might be right for you, give us a call for a consultation: 404-250-3333.


To Your Health and Beauty, 

Dr. K



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