Goodbye, Double Chin - Without Surgery!

Goodbye, Double Chin - Without Surgery!

Goodbye, Double Chin - Without Surgery!

Can you believe that 68% of us are bothered by our double-chins?*   Nearly 7 out of 10 of us don’t like the fullness in our necks—that’s HUGE!  And many of us have a double-chin, even though our body weight is close to ideal.  Maybe it’s your grandmother’s neck, and genetics have passed it along to you, even though you diet and exercise.

Liposuction was (and still is) a great option for treating the fullness in a double-chin, but it’s a surgical option, and many people just don’t want surgery.

Goodbye, Double Chin–Without Surgery!

Meet Kybella, a first-in-class, FDA-approved injectable treatment for double-chin fullness.  Kybella, or deoxycholic acid, is a naturally-occurring compound that dissolves fat.  It actually destroys the wall of the fat cell permanently.  It’s an office procedure, done in a series of 2-4 treatments spaced about 1 month apart.

I was a Principal Investigator in the clinical trials which tested Kybella (then known as ATX-101), so I first used this product about 3 years ago.  It works.  Here is an example of results from Kybella:

Goodbye, Double Chin–Without Surgery!

Kybella was FDA-approved back in April, but the company is being very smart about how they roll it out.  They are requiring stringent training before they allow a doctor to buy the product.  I am honored to be part of a select group of physicians chosen to teach other physicians how to use this first-in-class treatment.  I just returned from Miami, where KYTHERA honed our training skills to perfection.

Goodbye, Double Chin–Without Surgery!   Goodbye, Double Chin–Without Surgery!

Goodbye, Double Chin–Without Surgery!

KYBELLA IS HERE!  I’m offering it as part of my practice, and I think it will be a great option for many men and women.

To your health and beauty!

Dr. K


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