Can we talk about GRASS?

Can we talk about GRASS?

Can we talk about GRASS?

I don’t mean the kind of grass you may think I mean.  GRASS is a new way to wrap your head around the complexities of your skin care needs.  So what does your skin need?

G-Growth Factors: As time passes, our skin can’t stay ahead of the aging process.  Why?  Partly because we lose growth factors as we age, and growth factors are critical keys and passwords that our skin needs to keep making collagen and keep fighting free radicals.

R-Retinols: Retinols are Vitamin A derivatives that accelerate skin turnover, so our skin can outpace the aging process.

A-Antioxidants:  These free-radical scavengers fight several of the aging pathways in our skin.

S-Specialty Ingredients:  These are tailored to your individual needs.  Maybe it’s an ingredient to fight brown spots (sun damage) or redness or acne–if your skin needs it, it should be in your skin care regimen.

S-Sunscreen:  If you use NOTHING else on your skin, you should use sunscreen.  And if you use everything else on your skin, but don’t use sunscreen, you’re wasting your time and money.  Sunscreen is mandatory:)

I’ll go into more detail about these ingredients in future posts.   For now, I just want you to get the idea that skin care is complex, but we’re here to make it simple for you.

To Your Health and Beauty!

Dr. K


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