Brow Lift/Forehead Lift

A forehead lift (browlift) can correct sagging or low-set eyebrows. It also addresses deep horizontal creases across the forehead and between the eyebrows.

Forehead lifts are typically done as part of an overall anti-aging program, but the procedure is also appropriate for younger adults who have a low brow or who already have deep frown lines due to stress or over-activity of muscles.

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Things You Need to Know

Have Questions?

  • Is A Forehead Lift (Browlift) Right For Me?

    Is A Forehead Lift (Browlift) Right For Me?

    A forehead lift (browlift) can correct sagging or low-set eyebrows. It also addresses deep horizontal creases across the forehead and between the eyebrows. Forehead lifts are typically done as part of an overall anti-aging program, but the procedure is also appropriate for younger adults who have a low brow or who already have deep frown lines due to stress or over-activity of muscles.
  • How is the Forehead Lift (Browlift) Done?

    How is the Forehead Lift (Browlift) Done?

    The forehead lift procedure involves a few small incisions hidden in the hair on top of the forehead. The forehead skin is then carefully lifted. The skin and muscles that cause the problems are then removed or modified.
  • What Kind Of Recovery Can I Expect?

    What Kind Of Recovery Can I Expect?

    Forehead lift surgery is an outpatient procedure done in a surgery center, and you can typically go home shortly after the procedure is done. You can expect to have some swelling and perhaps some bruising. There is only a small amount of discomfort from this procedure, and most people take pain medication for just a few days. Most people take about a week off of work, although you can certainly resume work from home the very next day.
  • What Other Procedures Are Sometimes Done at the Same Time as a Forehead Lift (Browlift)?

    What Other Procedures Are Sometimes Done at the Same Time as a Forehead Lift (Browlift)?

    If you are concerned about sagging along the jawline or cheeks or neck, you might consider a facelift or necklift at the same time as your forehead lift. Signs of aging in the upper and lower eyelids can be addressed with eyelid contouring surgery (blepharoplasty) Skin quality is best addressed with a comprehensive skin care regimen, which can accentuate your facelift and necklift results. Some lines and hollows won’t be addressed by a browlift. Often, it makes sense to use fillers to optimize your results. Botox treatments can enhance the results of your browlift as well. A forehead lift (browlift) can also be combined with body contouring procedures, like liposuction or breast lift.
  • How Much Does a Forehead Lift (Browlift) Cost?

    How Much Does a Forehead Lift (Browlift) Cost?

    Our pricing is very competitive. After you meet with Dr. Kavali for your consultation, and we’ve been able to establish exactly what procedures are right for you, our Patient Coordinator will put together a detailed written quote for you. She can also assist you with financing options. You can find out more about some of these options on our “Patient Info” page.


Dr. Kavali far exceeded my expectations in the procedure recovery and outcome.

- Lisa B.


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