Neck Lift
A necklift is often combined with a facelift. A necklift addresses loose skin in the neck, prominent muscles in the neck (“turkey neck”), and extra fat in the neck and jawline.
During the initial consultation, Dr. Kavali will ask you point out exactly what you would like to see improved. Dr. Kavali encourages you to discuss anything about your appearance that bothers you, as well as what you hope to accomplish with surgery. This will help her to understand your expectations and determine whether they can realistically be achieved.
In evaluating you for facelift surgery, Dr. Kavali will look at your skin characteristics, including texture, looseness, wrinkles and folds. She will look at your hairline to determine where incisions can be discreetly placed. Your bone structure and underlying soft tissues are also important in developing an individual surgical plan.
Things You Need to Know
Have Questions?
Is a Necklift Right for Me?
Is a Necklift Right for Me?
A necklift is often combined with a facelift. A necklift addresses loose skin in the neck, prominent muscles in the neck (“turkey neck”), and extra fat in the neck and jawline.
What Can I Expect During My Consultation?
What Can I Expect During My Consultation?
During the initial consultation, Dr. Kavali will ask you point out exactly what you would like to see improved. Dr. Kavali encourages you to discuss anything about your appearance that bothers you, as well as what you hope to accomplish with surgery. This will help her to understand your expectations and determine whether they can realistically be achieved.
In evaluating you for facelift surgery, Dr. Kavali will look at your skin characteristics, including texture, looseness, wrinkles and folds. She will look at your hairline to determine where incisions can be discreetly placed. Your bone structure and underlying soft tissues are also important in developing an individual surgical plan.
How is a Necklift Done?
How is a Necklift Done?
Facelift and necklift surgeries are done on an outpatient basis, and you’ll be able to go home the morning after your surgery.
Although there are many variations to the facelift procedure, generally an incision is hidden in the natural contour of your ear, then extends around the earlobe and back into the hairline. Following surgery, incisions can be easily concealed by your hair or with makeup. There will also be a small incision hidden underneath your chin if you have a necklift done at the same time.
Through these discreet incisions, Dr. Kavali frees the skin from the underlying tissues. After the skin has been pulled up and back, the extra skin is removed. Typically, the deeper tissues are also repositioned, giving you a multi-layered approach to rejuvenation.
With the necklift, a small incision beneath the chin allows for removal of extra fat in that area and allows Dr. Kavali to tighten the loose muscles in the neck, which gives you a more defined contour.
In general, your stitches will be under the skin and will dissolve on their own. Your dressing will just be some antibiotic ointment over the incisions, and a headband-type garment to keep the neck contoured nicely.
What Are the Risks of Necklift Surgery?
What Are the Risks of Necklift Surgery?
Fortunately, significant complications from facelifts and necklifts are infrequent. Most people experience no major problems and are pleased with the results. Anyone considering surgery, however, should be aware of both the benefits and risks.
The subject of risks and potential complications of surgery is best discussed on a personal basis between you and Dr. Kavali, and that certainly is part of the discussion you’ll have with her during your consultation.
Some of the potential complications include hematoma (an accumulation of blood under the skin that may require removal), infection and reactions to anesthesia. Injury to underlying structures (like nerves) is possible, though it is usually only temporary. Facelift incisions are most often inconspicuous, but this is not entirely predictable due to individual variations in healing.
Smokers are at greatly increased risk of poor scarring, so you must quit smoking at least 3 weeks prior to your surgery.
What Other Procedures Are Sometimes Combined with a Necklift?
What Other Procedures Are Sometimes Combined with a Necklift?
Sagging eyebrows are not addressed by a facelift or necklift, so you might consider a forehead lift (browlift) if sagging eyebrows are a concern.
Signs of aging in the upper and lower eyelids can be addressed with eyelid contouring surgery (blepharoplasty)
Skin quality is best addressed with a comprehensive skin care regimen, which can accentuate your facelift and necklift results.
A facelift or necklift does not restore lose volume to to the face, meaning some lines and hollows won’t be addressed with these surgical procedures. Often, it makes sense to use fillers to optimize your results.
A facelift or necklift can also be combined with body contouring procedures, like liposuction or breast lift.
How Much Does a Necklift Cost?
How Much Does a Necklift Cost?
Our pricing is very competitive. After you meet with Dr. Kavali for your consultation, and we’ve been able to establish exactly what procedures are right for you, our Patient Coordinator will put together a detailed written quote for you. She can also assist you with financing options. You can find out more about some of these options on our “Patient Info” page.
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About Kavali Plastic Surgery
Metamorphosis for your mind, body and soul.
What we provide is plastic surgery, cosmetic procedures, reconstructive procedures, and skin care. But what people really get from us and from our products is HOPE.
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